Relocation services
Relocation destination services and immigration compliance across the CEE region and beyond.
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Phone: +36 300 736 475
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H-1068 Felsőerdősor u. 12-14
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Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00 CET
Sat – Sun: closed
When Music Meets Relocation: Inter Relocation supports Tuesday Night Rodeo
InterviewsAs we shared with you last year, Inter Relocation’s owner was once an aspiring musician; so when new Budapest-based band Tuesday Night Rodeo, contacted him to talk about corporate sponsorship, they received a friendly reception. Inter Relocation has taken the decision to continue this fruitful cooperation throughout 2017. We talked to lead singer Terry Etheridge and […]
Expat portrait: Douglas Arnott, professional translator, Chairman of the RBIF
InterviewsThere are some people who quietly go about their business in the background, almost as an “éminence grise.” They work away and live their everyday lives while improving the fortunes of others. Scottish-born Douglas Arnott, owner of a professional translation office and a translator/interpreter himself by profession, is one such person. Besides his significant daily […]
Budapest’s Newest Expat Rock God
InterviewsThe life of a successful musician is one many aspire to. The live performances, days in the studio, the groupies, who wouldn’t like to have that life? Believe it or not, Inter Relocation’s company owner used to be an aspiring musician himself; so when new Budapest-based band Tuesday Night Rodeo contacted him to talk about […]
Understanding cultures, the culture of understanding
InterviewsInterview with Katalin Juhos-Lockefeer, an internationally known and acclaimed trainer, management coach, founder and owner of Borealis Partners. Csenger is a picturesque small town in North East Hungary with less than 6,000 inhabitants, and is the birthplace of several outstanding scientists and artists. My interviewee, Katalin Juhos-Lockefeer, also comes from here. Hailing from Csenger, she […]
Local challenges – interview with Stuart McAlister, vice president of the European Relocation Association
Interviews, NewsAdapting to a new country and culture can take several weeks or even months, but with appropriate help, the transition can be a lot smoother. 2015/2 – by Ágnes Horváth, in Business Traveller Hungary /interview with Stuart McAlister Finding and furnishing the suitable home, handling the documents necessary for legal employment and residence, getting to […]