Protective measures are prolonged until 19/04/2021
We would like to give you a short update on the changes to the regulations relating to protective measures connected to the pandemic. The current regulations have been extended until 19.04.2021 and we expect though that this deadline will be further extended.
When planning to enter Hungary you need to keep in mind the regulations posted on our blog.
Here are the in-country regulations that have been introduced or modified, after the government of Hungary stated that its target of giving the first vaccination dose to 2.5 million had been reached.
Curfew is now between 22:00 and 05:00 hours.
Restrictions on services are now terminated, premises that deliver services requiring personal presence no longer have to be closed and services can be provided and utilized; though the obligatory closing time for such businesses is between 21:30 and 05:00.
Exception: for restaurants and cafés the restrictions are unchanged, they can only offer purchases for takeout or delivery only.
Shops need to undertake though observance of the below restrictions. Shops which do not undertake such measures shall remain closed.
Restrictions to be maintained:
- For every 10 sqm of the shopping area one customer is allowed.
- The operator of the shop must indicate at the entrance the number of customers allowed into the shop.
- Operators of shops and of shopping malls must ensure compliance with the protective measures.
- Operators of shops must ensure that customers queueing keep 1.5m distance (except for members of the same household); hand sanitizers are available for use and surfaces and carts, baskets are disinfected regularly.
- In counting customers, children under 14 and helpers of people above 65 and of people with disabilities are not considered.
- Shops without a designated shopping area must ensure that people queueing outside keep 1.5 m distance.
- Customers are asked to keep distance in shops and complete shopping in the possible shortest time.
- Outside of shops in shopping malls everybody is obliged to keep 1.5 m distance (except for members of the same household).
- Operators of shopping malls shall ensure compliance with the restrictions.
For further information please, contact us at the following
Phone number: +36 1 278 5680
Email address: [email protected]
or contact your local Inter Relocation consultant.